Friday, October 26, 2012

Branson (Colorado, that is)

     We had our first snow today.  It was a little over an inch and was melted from the streets and side walks when we woke up.  The sun is out and the temperature rising so it will probably be mostly gone by afternoon.
     At the farmers' market this summer we heard about a Christmas crafts fair in Branson. Colorado and have been making plans to have a booth there.  We found out that Branson has a population of about 70 people and wondered if it was worth attending.  So we took a day trip to check out the town.
     Branson is about 50 miles from Trinidad.  We drove east and then south across the high plains almost to the border with New Mexico.  Everytime I drive in eastern Colorado and western Kansas I wonder what it was like crossing the high plains in a wagon.  My great grandmother did with two small children.  They went from Missouri to Utah and then back to Nebraska.  I covered in an hour what they would have covered in a week.
     Arriving in Branson, we were at a loss for finding any information, so we went to the Post Office.  The post-mistress was very helpful and provided with the information that we needed.  She also told us the part of the crafts fair would be held in the town library which was the old Catholic church.  Below is a picture the library.
     We were also able to visit the old jail (shown below).  It was built in the early 20th century and once held two prisoners, both on charges of drunkeness.  But they escaped

    Since there are no restaurants in Bransom we decided to continue south and west to Raton, NM.  We passed through the towns of Folsum (home of the Folsum man and Folsum point) and Capul1n (home of a volcano).  We didn't stop as we were getting hungry but plan to return soon.  Somewhere between Branson and Folsum I took this picture of the fall colors.
    Regarding the crafts fair, I contacted the lady in charge of the Homecoming celebration and got a booth.  She told us that hundreds of people attend from all over the southern Colorado and northern New Mexico.  So we hope to have a success in Branson.  I guess we will miss Andy Williams.  Maybe we'll take a CD with us.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha! No Andy Williams in either Branson. What will you make for the craft fair?
