Monday, October 15, 2012

An Afternoon of Celebrations

     A month or so ago, we attended two celebrations on one Friday afternoon.  First we went down to Main Street for the Trinidad High School Miners Homecoming Parade.  It was pretty much what you would expect -- fire truck with sirens, police cars, marching bands (two - both high school and middle school), floats, pretty young ladies and handsome young gentlemen as homecoming attendants and a very good turn out of adults and young people.  Oh yes, most importantly, candy was thrown from the floats to the children on the sidewalks.  I suspect that most of the adults were alumni of the high school.  It was very enjoyable and somewhat nostalgic.  Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera.
     The second celebration was the Centennial Re-Dedication Ceremony for the Las Animas County Courthouse.  It began with the High School Band playing followed by the opening ceremonies.  Local Masons and state Masonic officials were present for the re-dedication of the new cornerstone.  Building of the courthouse began in 1912.  It was built by local stonecutters and masons (many from Italy) from a local sandstone.  I was told by a tour guide that the courthouse was built entirely without cement.  The stones are simply fitted together without cement.  Inside the courthouse is a wonderful wood carving illustrating the history of Las Animas County.
     The Masonic Re-Dedication was very formal and very impressive.  I have never experienced anything quite like it.  The new cornerstone was examined by the Masons with a square, a compass, and a plumb line and was found to be square, true and plumb and, thus, acceptable.  It was then anointed with corn, oil, and wine.  And finally its placement in the building was approved.
    The contents of the original time capsule from 1912 were presented and were on display.  The contents of the new time capsule (2012) were presented.  The ceremonies closed with remarks from dignitaries of the county.
    As an interesting sidenote, the gentleman who discovered the position and who uncovered the original time capsule was a mason whose grandfather helped bury the original capsule. 

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