Thursday, August 23, 2012


     Several people mentioned how much snow we were going to get when we moved to Colorado, so I thought I might say something about the weather.  Earlier in the spring, we had snow, rain, and sunshine all in one day.  We came out for two weeks in November to look at houses.  One day we woke to a couple of inches of snow and it was melted by noon.  Later that week there were about 5 or 6 inches of snow and it was melted by the next day.
     We bought a house and came out in late December for the inspection.  We drove through snow from Colby, Kansas to Denver.  The inspection was to be on a Friday but we received a call from the inspector postponing it until Monday as it had snowed 11 inches in Trinidad and the roof was covered.  When we arrived in Trinidad on Monday (about 9 am) most of the snow had melted and the roads were clear.  This seemed to be the pattern - snow and it quickly melts.
     In April we awoke to a foot and a half of snow.  I shoveled some of the walks and part of the driveway.  In two days all of the snow had melted.

     Spring and early summer were very pleasant.  This summer has been hot and dry.  Rain is much needed.  The temperatures were high some days (over 100 degrees) but the low humidity made them bearable.  The lack of rain has apparently caused the bears to come into town looking for food aand water.  Some of the neighbors have seen them at night.  We have not, although we did find where a bear relieved itself on our front lawn.
        In general the weather is great, lots  of sunshine, low humidity.  Clouds over the mountains in the evenings making for beautiful sunsets.  Usually we sit out on the lawn in the evening in a cool breeze with pretty skies.


  1. You aren't supposed to spill the beans about the great weather in Colordao!

  2. Gee, bears in your yard! I'm glad we have to worry only about deer. They do manage to ruin a lot of our plants, however. The elderberry bushes Gary planted serve as their midday snack.
